Oh my! Apparently an actual living person actually said this on the record, anonymously of course:
Instead of the Jews, it's the hedge fund managersI was following the link from the Bernie Sanders gives 'em hell on CNBC diary which led me to the actual CNBC site where I followed another link that led me to me the incredibly lovely quote above.
Apparently the feelings of the hedge fund managers are ruffled because nasty Obama and even nastier and more useless Hillary 'Jawbones'* Clinton noted that the top 25 of them made quite a bit more than all the kindergarden teachers in the country combined.
Go read the article, it's priceless. My apologies for not giving this the in-depth or the Hunter treatment it so clearly deserves but it is already horribly late where I am and I have to get up early. I'm sure you'll do it justice in the comments which I am eagerly anticipating in the morning.
* "What does Hillary do? She jawbones. You can't tell me her speeches are creating any value." Actual quote.