Do the rich have a plan?
We've been told that Plutistan (those worth more than a million) increased its population by one million last year, bringing it to 12 million, with a combined worth of over 50 trillion. To put that in...
View ArticleHarsh mellows
I recommend reading the fairly short links and not relying on the quotes if you want the full hilarity of it all.A few days ago I clicked on a Maureen Dowd column in the New York Times, by mistake, and...
View ArticleMind-blowing poll: GOP - climate change
Over the last 24 hours I've been trying to fit into my head a statement from the new PM of Greece who said, and I paraphrase, 'I'm going to try to something innovative, to keep my pre-election...
View Article#mazi - together Massive peaceful demonstrations in SUPPORT of the new Greek...
As the finance ministers of the Eurozone gather for a crucial meeting on the future of Greece, thousands of citizens are braving freezing temperatures (yes, it's been snowing in Athens too) to show...
View ArticleIsrael: "massive late-evening jumps in voter turnout as evidence of fraud"
Brady Kiesling (former US diplomat who resigned in opposition to the Iraq war and the lies of the Bush administration) posted a seemingly innocuous graph from an official website with the comment:...
View ArticlePenny wise, pound foolish: budget cuts threaten Opportunity and LRO
We all remember those first words spoken by an astronaut on the surface of Mars: "That's one small step fo- HOLY SHIT LOOK OUT IT'S GOT SOME KIND OF DRILL! Get back to the ... [unintelligible] ......
View ArticleInstead of the Jews, it's the hedge fund managers
Oh my! Apparently an actual living person actually said this on the record, anonymously of course:Instead of the Jews, it's the hedge fund managers I was following the link from the Bernie Sanders...
View ArticleCongress: this is a blackout.
We are blocking your access until you end mass surveillance lawsYou have conducted mass surveillance of everyone illegally and are now on record for trying to enact those programs into law. You have...
View ArticleActual journalism: WaPo documents police shootings, more than 2 per day
Finally someone is gathering the information necessary to the debate about police killings and it is not the Federal government. The Washington Post has an excellent article"Fatal police shootings in...
View ArticleWonderful breaking news: Comet lander has woken up
Tweets and the BBC inform us that Philae has woken up:Hello @Philae2014 !!! Is that really you? So glad to hear from you, how are you?— ESA (@esa) June 14, 2015The European Space...
View ArticleBlack Friday: Attacks in France, Kuwait and Tunisia
Awful, horrible day.In the French city of Lyon a man was decapitated and others were hurt in a suspected IS attack on a factory.The dead man was found with Arabic inscriptions on him and an Islamist...
View ArticleBreaking: Greece calls referendum in response to ultimatum. UPDATED
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced a referendum in response to the ultimatum submitted by the country's creditors, the so-called 'institutions', formerly the troika of the European...
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